Saturday, April 2, 2011

Adventures of my Weekend

Without computers to entertain us. (Yes, unfortunately we were that dependent on the!) We decided to go out and explore the other side of our town, seeing as it was the nicest and warmest day here so far!
We strolled right on over to the Naturist Village. (Nuddy Colony!)
Though it was warm, not that many people were prancing about in their birthday suits. (We were feeling both relief and disappointment!)

The Naturist Beach.

I think we counted a total of five naked or partially naked. 
(Our eyes weren't too badly scarred!)
We came across the funniest sign, but unfortunately I didn't get a picture of it. It said "If we go nude, you have to too!" or some rendition of that in French. Because it's still not high season we were not requested to undress ourselves, but in the summer people are not let in wearing clothes!
Each restaurant (or anywhere with public seating) had little signs saying that you must sit on your towel when sitting at a restaurant. 
At least they are somewhat sanitary..

Our little apartement.
(Yes, we splurged on flowers to brighten the place up!)

Ever since we got to Cap d'Agde, all we see is this bird. We never knew what it was called. They are big, have glimmers of blue on their wings, and they are evil. (Well, at least they sound evil!) They have a cackle that is so mocking. 
And since our first sighting of this bird, we wanted to get a good picture of it.
This proved to be practically impossible. They never stay in one place. I counted, we took seventy one pictures, only these ones had decent shots of this bird.(And we had to use Ultra Zoom! 18x!)

Our attempt at getting a picture of the bird in flight!
We later learned that this bird in French is called a Pie, which we were then told it translates into a magpie, in case you were interested.

The first sighting that I had of this bird was at a rest stop somewhere along the drive from Paris to Cap d'Agde. My dad and I tried to take pictures of it, none of which were good.
So Daddio, these are a couple decent shots of it for you!

Hope you enjoyed our creative adventures as much as we did. (We're running outta things to do, can you tell? Haha)


1 comment:

  1. your apartment looks very cute!
    I remember those magpies from the UK.... they were everywhere!
