Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Buttery Bliss

You may or may not have noticed that I'm somewhat behind on my blog.
I'd like to blame it all on the beautiful buttery croissants that we got to take home on Friday afternoon.
Desiree and I have/attempting to take on a healthy routine of jogging along the beach side. (We might as well take advantage of it, right?)
And due to all this jogging there's not time for blogging!
No, but honestly we've been getting to know our class mates and turned into party animals!
We went out both Friday and Saturday night, therefore both Saturday and Sunday were both extremely lazy days.
Anyways. Here I am again, so you will hear no more excuses for my lack of blogging.

You would never believe how long it actually takes to make croissants. All last week, we were working on doughs that need "tours". "Tours" are when you roll out the dough and envelope dry butter in it, just to roll it out again. After doing this numerous times, we get a dough with what seems like endless (extremely thin) layers of the dough and the butter. Puff pastry dough and croissant dough are extremely similar, as well as extremely time consuming. However when they come out of the oven as good looking as this, all the hard work is well worth is.

We were drooling just looking at them!

My breakfast, lunch, and dinner.
With nutella or in a sandwich, either way they were fabulous.

Tuesday: One croissant remaining. What will I eat when its done?
Oh yeah! The cake we brought home today! Hooray!
Thank God for the nice beaches to motivate us to jog!

A tout a l'heure!


  1. Hey,
    I thought you said this blog would be extra long!!! lol

    they look good those croissant!

  2. Oh man, I hope you make these for all of us when you get home!!
    Glad you're having fun out ther : )

  3. Hey Bri :) keep the posts coming! Great job on your croissants!!! omg they look so good! you know you're gonna have a list of things to bake when you get here eh? :P Seems like you're having a great time and can't wait to hear more. Enjoy this experience to the fullest Bri. Montréal t'aime! xxx

  4. Can I put an order in for when you get home?? I want to get ahead of the rush!!!

  5. Hi Briana,
    Hope you don't mind me following your blog...
    My name is Chrissy and your dad is one of my work colleagues. He just finished telling me about the wonderful journey you've just embarked on and I just wanted to wish you great success.
    Enjoy yourself!

    P.S. Those croissants look absolutely scrumptious! Kudos to the chef! :)
